Blessings From Honours Class (2nd Cohort Graduate, 2021/22)

Issac Chan

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
Data Science and Business Intelligence

As I stand on the threshold for my new chapter, I want to take a moment to appreciate the HA family who have carried me to this point. I am grateful that your support, passion and love have made who I am today. Wish you find not only success but also happiness in your future.

Stephen Cheung

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in
Global Business Management

Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. When I joined HA, I didn't know what to expect, but it turned out to be an amazing experience. I met a lot of great people, made some wonderful friends, and had incredible adventures together. We supported each other and grew in amazing ways.

The moral of the story is to try new things when you can. Embrace the unknown and do what excites you. You never know where it might lead, but the journey is sure to be rewarding.

Zach Cheung

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in
Applied and Human-Centred Computing

The path of self-discovery is paved with moments of wonder and growth, and the time spent in the Honours Academy (HA) feels like it's flown by. I offer my heartfelt gratitude to the remarkable people I've had the honor of meeting along this journey — my fellow peers, the esteemed HA Heads, and the dedicated staff. Together, we have thrived, supporting one another every step of the way, and I am humbled by all that I have learned from each of you. Through our shared experiences, I have grown as a leader, inspired by the light you bring to this exceptional community.

Berrie Chim *

Bachelor of Translation with Business (Honours)

Trying is winning—the biggest takeaway from my HA journey. Sometimes you will get lost and don't know what the right thing to do is, but as long as you try you will always find reward. I am very thankful to have HA to give me so many directions and opportunities to try. Love you all!

Charlotte Ho

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in
Supply Chain Management

To all the late night coffees and laughter, we did it and it's time to start a new chapter. Sure it's going to be tough, but so are you! Thank you HA for this wonderful journey. Wishing you all the best 🙂

Sunny Lee

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in
Convergent Media and Communication Technology

Live every day like it’s your FIRST — Perceive the world with no prejudice. Appreciate the world with the eyes of a newborn. Be curious about everything as if you’re seeing them for the first time. Try everything new as if you know no consequences. Pick yourself back up when you inevitably trip and fall. Let no conformities repress your feelings. Believe in what you truly think is right with the stubbornness of a child. Let no one but yourself guide your path.

Gloria Lo

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in
Corporate Governance and Compliance

As my three-year journey comes to an end, I can't help but reflect on how quickly time has flown by. Throughout these years, I have been fortunate enough to be presented with various chances and opportunities that have helped shape me into a confident leader with my own unique style. However, amidst all the accomplishments and growth, one of the greatest gifts I have received during my university life is the HA family. The support and sense of belonging that I have found within HA have been invaluable. I am grateful for the friendships and memories that I have made, and I know that the HA family will always hold a special place in my heart.

Irene Luk

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in
Supply Chain Management

HA family is a wonderful place full of buddies who always support each other. I am glad we could explore the life journey with different cohorts and push the boundaries of what we think we cannot achieve. I believe every step counts and we will never regret the progress we have made when we look back. Thanks to HA for enriching my university life and for every coach, mentor, and staff.

Lydia Pun

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in
Cultural and Creative Industries

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Honours Academy for all the opportunities given within these three years, as these learning activities are very worthy and really inspired me in personal growth and academic development. In the long journey of self-actualisation, I will keep accumulating more experiences and enhancing my confidence in my abilities and knowledge to unlock every opportunity in life.

Karen Tsang

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in
Professional Accountancy

My HA journey has brought me a new life. I have never though that I can meet such a huge family in my university life and be in charge in different projects. I am very glad that I can step out of my comfort zone and embrace new experiences. It allows me to view the world differently.

Tse Yu-ho

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in
Global Business Management

Is it going to be difficult? Maybe! Is it worth it? Definitely! Tasks you are going to be completing is just one side of the journey. Peers, professors, they are all going to be your friends eventually and that is the true reward for all the three years in HA. Have fun and enjoy!

*Graduating in academic year 2024/25