Silent Killers–Hiding in Plain Sight

Silent Killers–Hiding in Plain Sight

It can be quite torturing to be sick. It is even more torturing if the cause of the sickness is still unknown after numerous medical consultations and treatment. This is what happened to Clement Ng. He is suffering from Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome, a rare disease, one that has less than 20 cases in Hong Kong, which also […]

野豬擾民 民為禍源

野豬擾民 民為禍源

近年,愈來愈多野豬在市區岀沒,滋擾個案也大幅度上升。 記者不但捕捉到許多野豬在市覓食的畫面,還拍攝到市民不顧漁護署的呼籲,擅自餵飼野豬的畫面。 香港野豬關注組發言人指岀,野豬下山覓食主因是土地發展規劃導致人類和野豬的相處距離越來越靠近,以及人們餵飼野豬改變牠們的習性而造成的後果。 記者/攝影:梁穎珊野豬擾民-民為禍源.mp4

Ageing Problem of the Construction Workers

Ageing Problem of the Construction Workers

The construction industry is losing its attractiveness to the youth. The Hong Kong Government wish to attract more young people to become construction workers through expanding an apprenticeship program. But the prerequisite course for the apprenticeship program is already facing high dropout problem. Our student reporters talked to some industry experts and gathered valuable suggestions […]

Hong Kong Trees “Reborn” after Super-typhoon

Hong Kong Trees “Reborn” after Super-typhoon

In Sept 2018, record-breaking typhoon Mangkhut struck Hong Kong. At least 60,000 tree failure reports were received by the HKSAR government. 2 months after the typhoon attack , a huge amount of fallen trees were still left unhandled. Our reporter found that the clearance delay was caused by the poor coordination among government departments and […]