HA SEMINAR – Visiting the West Kowloon Cultural District

(refer to the photo album here for more highlights)

Date: 9 Aug 2022
Time: 3:30pm-4:30pm
Venue: West Kowloon Cultural District

With the generous support of Honours Academy’s (HA) Professional Fellow Ms Eva Kwong, Chief Corporate Services Officer of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, HA organised a visit on 9 August 2022 (Tue) to the West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD), an integrated district with world-class arts and cultural facilities.

15 HA students from the 1st and 2nd cohorts and staff were warmly welcomed by Mr Kenneth Ng King-tsun, General Manager, Communications and Public Affairs of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority and his team at the West Kowloon Cultural District Tower. Mr Ng introduced to participants the features of some major cultural facilities. They included the Xiqu Centre, which promotes and develops both the local form of Cantonese opera and other forms of xiqu; M+, which is Asia’s first global museum of contemporary visual culture; The Hong Kong Palace Museum, which promotes appreciation for traditional Chinese art and culture; Freespace, a centre for multi-genre contemporary performance and events; and the Art Park, a vibrant venue for a weekend getaway and a trendy picture-perfect spot for the public.

Mr Ng also shared the regional and international positioning of the WKCD, as well as the opportunities brought about by the District’s unique geographical location. During the Q & A session, the HA students and staff had a fruitful exchange of ideas around various topics including how to design programs catering to the interests of different audience groups, how WKCD and the existing public cultural and art facilities could complement each other, the need to find the right balance between art and commerce, the future development of WKCD, etc. The exchange session was followed by a visit to the M+ museum where the HA community could tour freely the exhibitions on their own.

Apart from learning about the facilities of WKCD, the visit also deepened students’ understanding of the development of arts and creative industries in Hong Kong.

榮譽學院於2022年8月9日(星期二)參觀西九文化區, 是次活動獲榮譽學院專業院使、西九文化區管理局首席機構事務總監鄺配嫻女士全力支持。

西九文化區管理局傳訊及公共事務總經理吳璟儁先生及其團隊於西九文化區管理局大樓歡迎15位榮譽學院師生。吳先生首先向參加者介紹西九的重點設施, 包括推廣中國戲曲藝術多元發展的戲曲中心、亞洲首間全球性當代視覺文化博物館M+、推廣中國藝術和文化研究的香港故宮文化博物館、提供多用途表演場地的自由空間,以及成為公眾休閑娛樂、打卡熱點的藝術公園。

吳先生亦分享了西九在地區與國際上的定位, 以及其獨特的地理位置所帶來的機遇。 在問答環節中,參加者就多個議題與吳先生交流,包括如何設計節目以迎合不同觀眾群的喜好,西九與現存的公共文化藝術設施如何互補長短、如何在藝術創作與商業考慮之間取得平衡,以及西九的未來發展等。參加者隨後更獲安排進入M+博物館自由參觀。


Mr Kenneth Ng King-tsun exchanged with participants.

Mr Kenneth Ng King-tsun took a group photo with HA students and staff.

Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development) presented a souvenir to Mr Kenneth Ng King-tsun in appreciation of his warm reception.
副校長 (機構發展) 方永豪博士致送紀念品予吳璟儁先生以答謝其熱情招待。

Free flow visit to M+ was arranged.