HA Exchange Experience Sharing

(refer to the photo album here for more highlights)

Date: 23 February 2023
Time: 2:30pm-4:00pm
Venue: Pong Hong Siu Chu Lecture Hall (Room A315), The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong 

An exchange for one semester, an experience for a lifetime.

Recognising the great value of international exposure, the Honours Academy (HA) at the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) offers our HA students a subsidised global learning opportunity with priority enrolment. Eleven HA students, coming from both the first and the second cohorts, returned home from their one-semester exchange. Different as their host countries were, these 11 HA young leaders all shared the same dream then: to transform themselves into a global citizen; and they also shared the same goal in this sharing session now: to recount their experiences and offer valuable advice to their schoolmates eager to pursue an equally, if not more, exciting exchange journey out of town.

Irene LUK and Charlotte HO, both from the HA 2nd cohort, opened up the sharing session with a number of handy tips on visa application and accommodation sourcing. Ho TSE and Sunny LEE, both from the HA’s second cohort, were continents apart from each other last year; however, their reflection on the teaching and learning styles in two different countries drew them together in this sharing. Ho, having studied in Shanghai, China, found the similarity of the instructional mode between Shanghai and Hong Kong. The audience was so appreciative of Ho’s candid sharing on a few modules to take (and to avoid!). Sunny, in Canada, appreciated its education system which emphasises creativity and creativity thinking. As an advocate of sustainability, Sunny was also impressed by the country’s commitment to environmental conservation, evidenced by his host university’s offering a number of modules on the issue, and the local students’ peaceful march for this very cause.

Lauren LIN, Stella YAP and Alison CHENG, all from the HA’s first cohort, invited the audience to have a newfound understanding of multiculturalism and diversity of Finland, as well as its strong commitment to social justice and equality. The girls also promoted the entrepreneurial spirit of the people in this European country, and the many opportunities for innovation and collaboration.

In addition to academic studies, an exchange journey should also facilitate a student’s social awareness and self-actualisation. Katy LUK, from the first cohort, came back from Germany with a profound understanding of cultural sensitivity, gender equality, open-mindedness and adaptability. Karen TSANG, from the second cohort, also brought home, from Finland, a deep appreciation for diverse perspectives and lifestyles of people around the world.

Anthony CHAN and Stephen CHEUNG, both from the HA’s second cohort, paired up to spice up a student’s social life when on exchange. Having lived his life to the fullest in South Korea, Anthony overwhelmed the audience with the country’s rich cultural heritage and the warm hospitality of its people. Stephen, after six months spent in Europe, introduced the bustling city life and the ample opportunities for outdoor recreation in Finland.

The fellow HSUHK student audience was inspired by our HA students’ stories and the insights they gained from their exchange experience. Some students asked questions about the different countries and cultures, and expressed their own interest in studying abroad. Overall, this exchange experience sharing by our HA leaders was a great success and a testament to the transformative power of international education.


香港恒生大學的榮譽學院深明國際視野之重要價值,因此為學院學員提供額外資助, 並讓學員優先選擇心儀的交流國家和大學, 鼓勵學員拓寬視野。

來自第一和第二屆的十一名榮譽學院學員從為期半學年的交流換旅程回家。交流國家雖異, 但他們擁有共同夢想:成為全球公民。這群年輕領袖在分享會細訴在外體驗,並為同樣渴求成為交換生的同學 提供寶貴建議。

榮譽學院第二屆學員Irene和Charlotte先在分享會提供關於簽證申請和住宿搜索的實用資料。第二屆學員Ho和Sunny去年雖分隔兩地,但截然不同的教學風格反而拉近兩位小伙子。在中國上海學習的Ho發現上海和香港的教學模式相似, 他亦坦誠建議恒大同學可選擇與和避免科目!在加拿大交流的Sunny欣賞這國家重視創造思維的教育體系。Sunny一向倡導可持續發展這個全球議題, 因此對加拿大的環境保護承諾印象深刻, 例如他本人亦修讀不少相關科目, 和參加上當地的和平遊行。

榮譽學院第一屆學員Lauren、Stella和Alison在芬蘭度過了半個年頭, 對這個歐洲一國的多元文化以及社會和平公義議題得到了畢生受用的見解。她們亦向同學推廣該國人民的創業精神和創新合作機會。

除了學術研究外,交流旅程亦促進了學員的社會意識, 鼓勵實現自我理想。第一屆學員Katy從德國回來,對不同文化和性別平等都培養了開放和尊重態度。第二屆學員Karen也從芬蘭帶回了對世界各地人民的多元觀點和生活方式的深刻欣賞。


榮譽學院學員在分享會的經驗傳承, 啟發不少恒大同學會後留步發問, 表達對出國留學的興趣。總括而言,是次榮譽學院學員主持的交流經驗分享會實乃一大成功, 證明了國際教育的轉化力量確真不容忽視。