Honours Academy’s student-led narrative exhibition — “Extra + Ordinary = Stories from HSUHK Students”, celebrating HSUHK 45th Anniversary
(refer to the photo album here for more highlights)
Date: 17 Feb 2025 (Mon) – 28 Feb 2025 (Fri)
A student-led narrative exhibition titled “Extra + Ordinary = Stories from HSUHK Students,” organised by the Honours Academy (HA) in collaboration with the Department of Art and Design and the Common Core Curriculum Office, was held at The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong’s Foundation Gallery from 17 February to 28 February 2025. This exhibition marks the inaugural event in the HSUHK 45th Anniversary Celebration activities and celebrates HA’s 5th Anniversary.
This exceptional initiative is spearheaded by Gin Lo from the 3rd cohort, with co-leadership from Kin Lau (5th cohort), alongside a talented group of cross-cohort HA artists: Tracy Cheng (4th cohort), Chloe Lee (4th cohort), and Marvis Wong (5th cohort).
This exhibition invites viewers to discover the extraordinary beauty hidden in everyday life. Through a mosaic of photos and narratives contributed by HSUHK students, the exhibition captures pivotal moments—both large and small—revealing the richness of the ordinary. In our fast-paced world, we often overlook the profound beauty in the mundane. “Extra + Ordinary” aims to shift this perspective, encouraging visitors to pause and appreciate the small moments that make life remarkable. It challenges the notion that fulfilment lies beyond our immediate surroundings, highlighting that the treasures we seek are often right in front of us, waiting to be discovered.
The opening ceremony on 17 February 2025 featured remarks from Dr Holly Chung, Head of HA, and welcome speech by Gin Lo, the student curator. A kick-off ceremony led by Dr Chung, Gin, Dr Christine Choy, Associate Head of the Department of Art and Design, and Dr Muk-yan Wong, Director of the Common Core Curriculum, symbolised the launch of the exhibition. HA artists shared insights into their creative processes and the stories behind their artworks with the honourable Academic Fellows and staff.
Special guided tours conducted by the curators and student artists offer HSUHK students a unique opportunity to reflect on the narratives that shape our daily lives and to find wonder in the seemingly ordinary.
This exhibition is not just a showcase of art; it is a celebration of student creativity and collaboration.
榮譽學院 (HA)於 2025 年 2 月 17 日至 28 日在基金會畫廊舉辦一場由學員策劃的敘事展覽「不尋常」。這是香港恒生大學45週年校慶的首個慶祝活動,並與藝術設計系及共同核心課程協辦。
由一群才華橫溢的 HA 學員擔任策展人及藝術家,邀請觀眾透過他們的作品及共享香港恒生大學學生的多元故事,改變視角,重新審視平凡的事物,展現日常生活中隱藏的非凡之美。