HA x BGCA: Be Smart ─ Pre-teens Financial Literacy Workshop 2023

HA students took a group picture with participants. 榮譽學院學員與一眾參加者合照留念。

(refer to the photo album here for more highlights)


Date: 16 September 2023 (Saturday)

Honours Academy x BGCA:  Be Smart ─ Pre-teens Financial Literacy Workshop 2023 

On 16 September 2023 (Saturday), the Honours Academy (HA) of The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) hosted a remarkable community-service event in collaboration with The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong’s Community Creativity Learning Centre (BGCA CCLC). The event, titled “Be Smart – Pre-teens Financial Literacy Workshop 2023” aimed to empower approximately 20 school students, ranging from Primary 5 to Form 1, with essential financial literacy skills through a combination of interactive board games and engaging mini lectures. This workshop also served as a testament to the HA students’ commitment, in their own capacity as a future leader, to nurturing young minds.  

A team of 20 HA students, consisting of our second, third and fourth cohort students, poured their creativity and expertise into crafting a unique board game, together with captivating props and visuals, revolving around various financial decisions one shall face throughout their educational and early-career journeys. From colourful game pieces, to vibrant illustrations and informative cards, every aspect of the board game was thoughtfully designed to bring the game to life. From budgeting for school expenses, to making strategic choices about higher education and career empowerment options, the whole workshop provided an understanding of the financial responsibilities and opportunities that lie ahead for the future pillars of our society. The whole afternoon was filled with smiles, excitement and anticipation as the primary and secondary school students eagerly gathered around the game boards, with their faces lit up with enthusiasm and appreciation of our HA students’ mentorship and encouragement.  

The HA’s collaboration with the BGCA CCLC since 2022 has further strengthened the partnership between the organisations and the HA is also looking forward to cooperating with different schools and units in our community, allowing for the ongoing development of impactful community initiatives aimed at promoting different timely topics contributing to the well-being among children and youth. 

香港恒生大學榮譽學院 x 香港小童群益會:「理財智叻星」 ─  學生理財工作坊 



榮譽學院自2022 年起與香港小童群益會社區創意學習中心的合作進一步加強了彼此的夥伴關係。榮譽學院亦期待與社區內不同學校和單位合作,持續發展具影響力的社區活動,旨在推廣不同適時的主題為兒童和青少年的福祉作出貢獻。   


Participants were very engaged in the financial literacy board game uniquely designed by the HA students.