(refer to the photo album here for more highlights)

Date: 18 October 2022

Time: 4:30pm

Venue: The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong


The Honours Academy (HA) of the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK), established in 2020, officially welcomed the third cohort to its three-year interdisciplinary programme at the Inauguration Ceremony on 18 October, 2022. Having undergone a series of competitive selections, our 22 year-two undergraduates from different study programmes all treasured the chance to join the HA family, demonstrating a strong commitment to becoming a global citizen and a future leader, contributing to local and global social developments.

At the Inauguration Ceremony, the HA’s third cohort first received blessings from Dr the Honourable Moses Cheng, our University’s Council Chairman, and Prof Simon Ho, our President, together with a whole audience of the HA’s Professional and Academic Fellows, the University’s senior management, and academic and administrative staff.

With the words of wisdom delivered by Dr Moses Cheng, the 22 third-cohort HA new members were encouraged to embrace and even be part of the change, shaping, influencing and moulding the University and society as a whole. Prof Ho also shared with the future leaders the essence of being an HA member: the demonstration of the drive to reach out and take responsibility for themselves as members of the community, to contribute to the growth of the University and the community.

Receiving their HA pin from the HA Head, Prof Jeanne Fu, and the two Associate Heads, Dr Holly Chung and Ms Esther Lee, the 22 HA students are all ready to embark on their three-year HA journey, as a global citizen and an aspiring leader. The solemn pinning ceremony was then followed by another equally symbolic pass-on ritual where our second-cohort representative, Thomas Cheung, handed over the HA official t-shirt to the third cohort, signed by every single second-cohort student as a token of blessings. Four second cohort members, namely Issac Chan, Berrie Chim, Gloria Lo, and Kyle Wong also orchestrated a live musical celebration in which it was meticulously interwoven with a professionally-produced video clip. Both the on-site and on-exchange second-cohort HA members, sent along their best wishes and the warmest welcome to their new siblings, in any way, shape or form, all the way from South Korean, China, Finland and Canada.

Before and after the Inauguration Ceremony, upon this year’s leading theme at HA, Innovative Inheritance, the first and second cohort students, namely Ray Chan, Icy Leung, Christy Ng, and Gianni Ting participated as welcoming hosts to showcase the achievements of the HA family, in terms of experiential learning, social engagement, other broadening opportunities, academic achievements, professional development, and bonding and identity building.

The HA would not have been enjoying this much success without the support from the Professional Fellows. After the ceremony, every HA member had a precious chance to meet with the Professional Fellows who were dedicated enough to be spending their precious time with our new HA members out of their busy schedules. The Professional Fellows attending the Inauguration Ceremony included Mr Raymund CHAO, Chairman, Asia Pacific, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, China, PricewaterhouseCoopers; Ms Quince CHONG, JP, Chief Corporate Development Officer, CLP Power Hong Kong Limited; Ms Eva KWONG, Chief Corporate Services Officer, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority; Mr Peter Yan, JP, Chief Executive Officer, Cyberport; Mr Wilfred YIU, Co-Chief Operating Officer & Co-Head of Markets, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited; and and Ms Wendy YUEN, Deputy Head of Personal & Business Banking Group, China CITIC Bank International. It was a delightful time for HA students to broaden their horizons by communicating and getting advice from the Professional Fellows.

(Written by Ocean Ng (3rd cohort) @ HA Editorial Team)


這日下午細雨綿綿,二十二位身穿正裝的菁英, 意氣軒昂地走在香港恒生大學 (恒大) 袁炳濤校園利國偉教學大樓的路上,自信而耀眼的光芒絲毫不為迷霧細雨所蓋。歷經數重嚴格選拔,恒大榮譽學院於八月迎來二十二位來自不同學系的第三屆學員。

2022年10月18日為第三屆學員的啟動禮,意味着新一屆學員將於授勳儀式上正式加入香港恒生大學榮譽學院,展開三年跨學科領袖學習旅程。作為本地大專院校第一所成立的未來領袖搖籃, 恒大榮譽學院至今成立已第三個年頭,使命及目標為培育多元發展的未來領袖,令每一位學員成為具卓越學術成就、關懷本地及世界社群、擁有國際視野的傑出學生,為未來本地及全球發展貢獻。

在啟動禮中,第三屆學員有幸獲恒大校務委員會主席鄭慕智博士、 校長何順文校長﹑榮譽學院專業和學術院士﹑恒大高級管理層、學術和行政人員的祝福和支持。鄭慕智博士於典禮上勉勵學員學以致用,以己身所學及才智貢獻社會,並將榮譽學院的精神和願景一路傳承下去。何順文校長亦欣慰學員在過去兩年致力於發展自身潛能,並鼓勵學員繼續努力,在延續恒大獨有的「博雅+專業」教育模式的同時,支持學員主動探索不同的領域並擴闊視野。

本年度的學院主題為「創新與承傳」,為展示學院特色,榮譽學院邀請了第一及第二屆的學員, 包括梁冰誼﹑吳思穎﹑陳子俊﹑丁婥姸和張曜堅, 以「體驗學習」、「社會責任」、「增廣見聞」、 「學術成就」、「專業進修」 和 「聯繫和身份認同」 為題的六個展板,向來賓展示學員過去曾參與的活動及所得。

隨後,榮譽學院第二屆學員, 包括詹凱琳﹑陳信諺﹑羅鶴霖和黃嘉榮, 以精心排練的歌舞和樂器演奏表演將典禮推至高峰。正歷交換計劃而身處海外的第二屆學員亦亮相大屏幕,跨越時區及地域限制,為新一屆學員送上真摯祝福,除了勉勵新學員積極學習,更強調不論學員身處何方,榮譽學院會一直是各位的家,大家互相幫助,共同進退。在場來賓是這場難能可貴的友誼建立的見證者,亦見證第一屆與第二屆學院的高情厚誼, 傳承至第三屆學員。


典禮結束後,榮譽學院各屆學員有幸與各位百忙中撥冗出席的學院專業院使見面詳談。本年,榮譽學院有幸邀請到華普永道亞太區主席大中華區主席及首席執行官趙柏基先生、西九文化區管理局首席機構事務總監鄺配嫻女士、數碼港行政總裁任景信先生太平紳士、香港交易所聯席營運總監及市場聯席主管姚嘉仁先生和中信銀行(國際)有限公司個人及商務銀行業務副總監袁妙齡女士作為啟動禮嘉賓。院使們在與學員的交流過程中,不斷向學員分享可貴的個人經歷及對學員未來的期望, 提點學員要主動把握每個學習機會, 令學員獲益良多。其後,眾專業院使與學員主動合照,其良師益友間真摯的笑容,成為了榮譽學院第三屆啟動禮的完美落幕。


Prof Jeanne Fu (Head, HA), Ms Esther Lee and Dr Holly Chung (Associate Heads, HA) joined the 22 third-cohort HA students.

The third cohort first received blessings from Dr the Honourable Moses Cheng, our University’s Council Chairman, and Prof Simon Ho, our President, together with a whole audience of the HA’s Professional and Academic Fellows, the University’s senior management, and academic and administrative staff.
在啟動禮中,學員有幸獲恒大校務委員會主席鄭慕智博士、 校長何順文教授﹑榮譽學院專業和學術院使﹑恒大管理層、學術和行政人員的祝福和支持。

HSUHK’s Vice-President (Learning and Student Experience), and HA Board Member, Prof Hon Chan presented souvenirs to the attending HA Professional Fellows, namely (from left to right) Mr Raymund CHAO, Chairman, Asia Pacific, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, China, PricewaterhouseCoopers; Ms Eva KWONG, Chief Corporate Services Officer, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority; Mr Peter YAN, JP, Chief Executive Officer, Cyberport; Mr Wilfred YIU, Co-Chief Operating Officer & Co-Head of Markets, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited; and Ms Wendy YUEN, Deputy Head of Personal & Business Banking Group, China CITIC Bank International.

恒大副校長(教學及學生體驗) 和榮譽學院院務委員會成員陳漢宣教授頒贈紀念品予出席典禮的專業院使,包括(由左至右) 羅兵咸永道亞太及中國主席趙柏基先生、西九文化區管理局首席機構事務總監鄺配嫻女士、數碼港行政總裁任景信太平紳士、香港交易及結算所有限公司聯席營運總監兼市場聯席主管姚嘉仁先生, 以及中信銀行(國際)有限公司個人及商務銀行業務副總監袁妙齡女士。