Leadership Training Camp (AY 2022-2023)

(refer to the photo album here for more highlights)

Date:               17 – 18 Sep 2022

Time:               9:00am – 6:00pm

At the beginning of the new academic year (AY2022/23), the Honours Academy (HA) welcomes our third cohort. The annual leadership training camp was held for the whole HA family on the 17th and 18th of September, 2022. It was conducted by the professional trainers from the Training Master International Ltd, at the Breakthrough Youth Village.To welcome the new third cohort, the HA Board Chairman, Prof YV Hui (Provost and Vice-President, Academic and Research), along with HA Board Members Prof Hon Chan (Vice-President, Learning and Student Experience) and Dr Tom Fong (Vice-President, Organisational Development), especially came all the way to cheer all the attending HA students on!

On the first day, together with some of the 1st and 2nd cohort HA family members, the fresh blood got to know their own leadership traits and their peers quickly through a range of ice-breaking and leadership-building activities. Later in the afternoon, members experienced a floor curling competition led by experienced coaches. Our members are divided into six teams. Within each team, our HA members needed to communicate on how to get the rocks closer to the house than the opposing team in order to win the game. Team spirit could easily grow out of friendly competitions where they were tested in terms of precision, strategies, focus, communication, etiquette, and resilience!

The second day of the training camp requires members’ physical capability. Under detailed instructions from the trainers, our HA members started their day with rock climbing and rope courses. Everyone was pushing their limit to finish their task. Sweating but smiling; exhausting but exhilarating: our HA aspiring leaders were all equipped with a set of invigorating soft and hard skills to build group cohesion, explore conflict, and examine leadership roles, all in our HA’s tailor-made experiential learning experience.

九月中旬,初秋來臨。適逢新學年展開,本年度香港恒生大學榮譽學院的第三屆學員,正式加入榮譽學院的大家庭。在二零二二年九月十七至十八日,榮譽學院三屆的學員聚首一堂,展開為期兩日(於沙田突破青年村)的領袖訓練日營。為歡迎二十二位新加入的第三屆學員,榮譽學院院務委員會主席許溢宏教授(常務暨學術及研究副校長)與及榮譽學院院務委員會兩位成員, 分別為陳漢宣教授(副校長(教學及學生體驗))和方永豪博士(副校長(機構發展)) 亦親臨訓練營打氣和指導。






(Written by Gin Lo (3rd Cohort) @HA Editorial Team)

Formation and focus!It takes one HA village to rock-climbing.
榮譽學院同心協力, 為挑戰攀石的學員集氣。

Prof Hon Chan (Vice-President, Learning and Student Experience) came all the way to cheer all the attending HA students on!
陳漢宣教授(副校長(教學及學生體驗)) 親臨訓練營為榮譽學院學員打氣。

A series of floor curling tournaments brewed a set of skills, namely strategic thinking, communication, teamwork and precision.
學員透過新興的地壺比賽培養出一系列榮譽學院的特質: 策略思維、溝通、團隊精神和準繩

Compassion, communication, and a common goal! The three HA cohorts now became one, aligning the loops and the balls together.
手腳配合﹑心靈相通! 三屆榮譽學院學員環環相扣, 完成任務。