

The HA works closely with the administration and teaching staff at HSUHK. In fact, our HA Academic Fellows and Senior Research Supervisors are the experienced and passionate faculty members from different Schools including School Deans, professors and teaching excellence awards recipients.


Our two HA core modules are around 20 students. The HA Seminars welcome our HA students from different cohorts as our Academy matures.


The HA strives to facilitate student success throughout their university education. We hope that you are able to fully explore your interests and choose classes that will complement each other. Our HA Head and Associate Heads offer individual advising to help map your academic and professional paths, on top of the guidance you receive in your major area of study. The primary concern of us at HA is making sure you fulfill your academic potential.

The HA curriculum is completely independent of your major. It is actually designed to complement your major of choice. You will need to make sure to set aside time in your entire HA three-year engagement.


  • Theoretically yes. But nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  • For example, you are required to take two 14-week HA core modules. You need to complete all in-class tasks, out-of-class experiential learning, and assigned coursework as instructed. You also need to attend the full series of our HA Seminars, to be offered within the 3-year HA journey. In your third or final year, you also need to complete a Senior Research Project, individually or paired up with another HA student.
  • No doubt, you will need to spend extra time and expend additional effort. However, our HA academic curriculum is designed to give you an intellectually-simulating university experience that requires you to analyse your learning in a different way than credit-bearing modules. The number and the scale of tasks you need to complete with us at HA are not necessarily greater, but a higher standard of quality is expected.


  • The two HA core modules (HA2001 and HA2002) are non-credit-bearing. You are being assessed on the Pass/ Fail system.  The HA will still be informed by your module teachers of your exact performance (such as your letter grade) to evaluate your eligibility for the HA-exclusive awards and scholarships.
  • The one-year mentorship is also non-credit-bearing.
  • The overseas learning experience shall only be credit-bearing if you undertake a semester-long, credit-bearing overseas study programme, with academic credits earned and transferrable to their own study programme at the HSUHK.  Then the transferrable credits will be counted towards your own GPA.
  • If your study programme already requires a credit-bearing internship and if the HA approves of your using this internship engagement to fulfill our HA requirements, then this internship will be counted towards your own GPA. However, if your study programme does not require a credit-bearing internship, you need to engage yourself into one internship, upon the HA’s suggestions. This engagement will not be credit-bearing then.
  • HA4001 Senior Research Project is the only credit-bearing (3 credits) module you need to take at the HA.
  • Your academic transcript will show only your credit-bearing engagements. Your successful completion of the whole HA education will be shown in your academic transcript as well. The HA will issue a separate transcript featuring all of your HA involvements, results and performances, to be awarded upon your HA graduation.


  • This is the only credit-bearing module you need to take during your three-year HA journey.
  • If your study programme requires you to conduct a credit-bearing final-year project (usually 6 credits, lasting for two semesters), you need to seek approval from the HA to see whether the topic fits our requirement, namely an inter-disciplinary topic that shall create social and/ or economic impacts on society. Most likely, the final-year project required in your own study programme is discipline-based. It is, therefore, not suggested to use this to fulfill your HA curriculum requirement.
  • That is why you are suggested to reserve one three-credit free elective quota, and then get enrolled for HA4001 Senior Research Project officially. You are highly suggested to take HA4001 in the summer semester of your year three, or the first semester of your year four. This way, you are still having the second semester of your year four to fulfill your other graduation requirements.
  • Taking HA4001 allows you to pair up with another HA student, or you can do it on your own. This is a 3-credit module and so it shall only take you one semester to finish. You will learn all the research skills you need to finish this during your first two HA years. Then preferably one semester before you actually take HA4001, you should first choose an inter-disciplinary topic that is at that time relevant to current affairs and a topic that could create social/ economic impact on society. Our HA personnel, especially our HA Head and Associate Heads who shall be with you every step of the way, will help suggest relevant topics. Then you need to finish a research proposal (a template will be given; don’t worry) and submit this proposal to your preferred supervisor. Your supervisor can be chosen from our HA’s Academic Fellows, based on your interdisciplinary topic. You can invite others outside of this pool and this supervisor must be one of our HSUHK faculty members (professors or lecturers). With your supervisor’s consent, you then submit this research proposal to the HA. Upon the HA’s approval, you can then start your Senior Research Project when a new semester begins.
  • You need to follow the timeline that you and your supervisor have collaboratively set for you to finish HA4001 within one semester. HA4001 will only be considered completed after you present your research findings and submit the written work to the HA. The HA Board and your supervisor will then decide your letter grade. A detailed rubric/ marketing scheme will be provided in due course.
  • The completion of HA4001 and your letter grade, just like any other credit-bearing modules, will be shown on your academic transcripts. Its GPA will also be counted toward your cGPA.


  • To graduate from HSUHK, you just need to fulfill the University’s and your respective School’s/ programme’s requirements.
  • To graduate from HSUHK’s Honours Academy, you will have to complete all of the HA programmes. Except of the Senior Research Project (if opting for the HA’s 3-credit version), your HA education does not add any extra credits to your major study.


To graduate from the HA, you need to:

  • Fulfill the HA’s requirement for the RC residency (at least one-year residency);
  • Fulfill all required components in the HA programme;
  • Receive a pass in all credit-bearing and non-credit-bearing academic and experiential-learning activities in the HA programme; and
  • Achieve an overall cumulative GPA of 3.30 during your whole three-year education at HA.


You need to make progress towards completing all items in our HA curriculum, and maintain a cGPA of 3.30. You will be in close contact with the HA Head and Associate Heads to ensure that you progress in the HA education in each semester and maintain your cGPA of 3.30.


If an HA Student’s cumulative GPA falls below a 3.30 for two consecutive semesters, they will be discharged from the HA, unless with very special justifications to be endorsed by the HA Head and approved by the HA Board.

Yes! If you complete all curricular requirements of the HA, you will receive one of the highest distinctions at HSUHK- graduating as an Honours Academy Student. This distinction will be noted on your diploma and your final transcript. You will be specially acknowledged at your graduation ceremony. The Honours Academy Recognition Ceremony will be separately organised where you will receive the HA Medallion and are recognised individually.


  • HA2001 Self-Awareness and Interpersonal Skills and HA2002 Service Leadership and Public Policy Engagement are both semester-long modules (3 hours a week). You are also expected to spend some time outside classroom conducting reading, research, and finishing assignments as required by your module teacher.
  • HA Seminars will be conducted throughout the year. You are required to attend at least six scheduled seminars within the 3-year HA journey. And then you need to attend another round of three seminars in another Semester Two, in another academic year.


  • Yes, you need to obtain a pass in the two HA core modules and successfully obtain the three credits in our HA4001: Senior Research Project (or the equivalent version in your own study programme) to be eligible for the HA graduation. Therefore, you need to retake if unfortunately failing any one of such. HA2001 is offered in each Semester One, starting from the AY2020/21. HA2002 is offered in each Semester Two, starting from AY2020/21. If you decide to enroll for the HA’s HA4001 Senior Research Project (3 credits), you are highly recommended to take it in your year three’s summer semester, or your year four’s first semester.


  • The HA Seminars are exclusively designed and organised for HA students to attend. They can be in form of a workshop, a talk, a site visit, or a field trip. Such interactive HA Seminars are delivered by our HA’s Academic or Professional Fellows, or any other impactful leaders, entrepreneurs, professional trainers or consultants. Topics are inter-disciplinary, including (but not limited to) public-speaking skills and research skills.
  • Unlike other seminars, our HA Students also get a chance to take the lead and present in one of the HA Seminars (such as their internship/ exchange/ research experience). This is one of the many places where you learn and grow to be a LEADER, not just a student/ undergraduate who passively learn. You are here to create knowledge.
  • The HA Seminars would also be where you mingle with HA Students of other cohorts.
